The weather this year has caused some travel challenges, but we made it to the Exumas last week. Life is Good! We spent a few days in the Exuma Land & Sea Park and then headed down to Big Majors (Staniel Cay) where we’ve been anchored along with our friends Ted and Jenny (Nordhavn 47, Southern Star). It’s been a bit windy, but that hasn’t kept us kept us from enjoying ourselves. Swimming, beach walks, bone fishing, and happy hours with old and new friends fill our days. We haven’t been here in several years, so it has been great to be back in an area that we love so much.
Roam has performed well for us, though we have ordered a couple of replacement parts that our friends on Tivoli will deliver to us later this month when they cross over to the Bahamas from Florida.
I need to fly back to the US next week, so we’ll head back to New Providence this weekend and put Roam in a slip at Palm Cay Marina. Michelle and the dogs will stay aboard while I’m gone. Tough Duty…
As they say, pictures are worth a thousand words….

Always enjoy catching up. Sad to see our sign in the pile. ?. When your in the states give me a call. After Feb 27. I’m in Guatemala until then. Need to catch you guys up on a few things. Fair winds…
Hi Clark
Your trip looks amazing! I noticed your boat is a 240/50hz or do you also have 120/60hz. I have a 240/50hz N47 in the med and am wondering what issues I may run into bringing it to North America after finishing the med tour. I’m looking for another boater with real world experience.
Hugo Cookson
Cuervo N47-34
Hugo, sorry for the long delay in responding. Bandwidth has been a real issue here in the Bahamas…We’re primarily at 120/240-60Hz boat. We do have the ability to run 240/50Hz, if we ever visit a country with that type of AC. When you come to the US, you’re going to have a tough time with the 60Hz change. I’m no electrician, so I can’t tell you how to overcome, but I have never seen a 50Hz option here. 🙁