We left Portsmouth Virginia at 10:45 PM on Monday, 1/17 with a 20-30 knot west wind. Th Here’s the route we took:

Trip Statistics:
- Total distance traveled was 1,350 miles.
- Total Time was 7 days and 12 hours.
- Total fuel burned was 1,420 gallons (we traveled much faster than normal to stay ahead of weather, so our burn rate was high)
- Total days with wind over 20 knots – 3
- Total days with wind 60 degrees or less from bow – 4
- Total days with waves greater than 2 meters – 2
- Total Fish caught: 2 Blue Marlin
I posted along the way, so I won’t recap each day. I will say though, that I had an excellent crew that got along splendidly and worked together well. Nothing serious broke along the way, so it was a boring run (as we hope all offshore runs will be!).

Congratulations?. Well done, but that MPG rate??
Hi Scott! Yes, the fuel burn was a bit excessive, but we were really pushing the boat hard to stay ahead of weather. We literally bought our way out of bad sea conditions!!