The Ragged Islands are located in the Southern Bahamas, southwest of Long Island and North of Cuba. It is a group of islands that are far enough out of the way and difficult enough to get to that they are rarely visited by cruisers. There is a small town called Duncantown, located on the southernmost island in the group which once boasted 250-500 residents. Today there are less than 40 permanent people scratching out a living there.
Cruisers that manage to find their way down to the islands will not find a marina, supplies, fuel, restaurants, fresh water, or any amenities typically enjoyed by tourists/cruisers. On the other hand, cruisers in the Ragged Islands will enjoy spectacular snorkeling, fishing, and beach combing.
There is no anchorage that offers all around protection from any weather, but there is at least one good anchorage along the island chain that will provide good protection from a given wind direction. By that I mean, cruisers in the Ragged Islands, have to pay close attention to the weather and move to the anchorage that will provide the best coverage for the predicted weather.
The locals appreciate the effort we cruisers go to in order to visit and enjoy their islands. Several years ago, they built a lean-to “Yacht Club” for cruisers on Hog Cay and every Valentine’s Day, they put on a big feast for any cruisers that are in the area and for family members that have moved away. Before this year, we had never made it down to the Raggeds in time for this event, so this year we made it a priority and we’re so happy that we did.
The pictures speak for themselves I think!