We have been in Halifax for the past few days, getting Roam ready to start the migration south to Florida. We’re staying in a slip at the Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron, the oldest continuously operating yacht club in North America (1837). RNSYS is a very active and youthful club. Every day, there are dozens of kids participating in a youth sailing program. They spend part of the day on the water, sailing around in Opti sailing dinghies, they spend some of the day in the pool, and the rest of the time they’re over in the youth barn doing kid stuff. The energy and enthusiasm is invigorating – and noisy! They swim and sail, regardless of the weather. When I’ve been in a sweater, jeans, and a rain coat to ward off the rain and wind, these kids are swimming in the pool or sailing around the harbor as if it were 95 degrees. Of course, for them, this is what summer is: Often cool, foggy, or rainy.
We spent a few nights here on our way north last month and were pleased to find a small city with great shopping and services. As we started moving south, we opted to stop here again to do some shopping and much needed boat maintenance.
We’ve enjoyed our time here, but it’s time to move south before fall/winter weather patterns begin to set in, making it difficult and uncomfortable to move the boat. Tomorrow we’ll head to Lunenburg where we’ll wait for a day or two for a front to pass through, then we’ll continue south. We plan to be in Maine by late this week or early next – weather permitting.
Pictures? Of course!

Ahhh, the Opti’s …. such fond memories of hours passed ‘racing’ (i.e. really mostly messing around playing bumper boats) before the catamaran sickness struck !! hahaha
Again, such a beautiful part of the world & thanks for sharing the adventures of ‘ROAM’.
Hope you had opportunity to visit Timmy’s for a doughnut, eh!
After all it’s all aboot goin’ for a rip & gitt’n some doughnuts !
Love youse guys !
Mark, I thought about you when I was watching these kids. If you had been here, I’m sure you would have found a way to get a ride on an Opti! I think we’ve done all we can for this trip to Canada, eh? (even Tim Hortons). As soon as the weather allows, we’re headed for Maine.